
Comfort and joy

I am the kind of person who likes to find new ways to say things, especially when I’m writing. Given this strange war (conflict?) on holiday sayings, I am particularly sensitive to how others wish to be wished. Walking through life, you wonder if someone will actually be offended if you say a generic “happy holidays!” to bid them good will in the supermarket. Is it overkill to include all of the potential holidays one might celebrate? Or trite to say “happy everything?” What a thing to ponder when you simply want to be kind.

As I was driving home from the grocery, picking up some last-minute items for our Christmas Day gathering, I thought about the ending of the old classic “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.” The lyric tidings of comfort and joy popped into my head. What a great turn of phrase that encapsulates all the good will one might like to spread this time of year. It’s actually pretty non-sectarian, even though it is entrenched in an old Christmas hymn. Isn’t it just the thing we should be wishing on each other? I wish you comfort and joy this holiday season. Sounds like a lovely sentiment.

So, from this Jewish girl who married a Catholic boy who likes to celebrate anything that brings loving traditions into our circle of family and friends, I bid everyone comfort and joy, peace and prosperity, love and warmth and all the good will I can offer. No matter how you celebrate, do so with grace and kindness. I think we can’t go wrong with that.

4 thoughts on “Comfort and joy

  1. And from his Jewish “girl” I want to wish you and your family all the
    best . Have a wonderful holiday and a happy, healthy New Year. Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

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